Several Months ago, I quite was honored when an award winning aviation author: Jane Gardner Birch asked me to assist her with a project she was doing for the Piper Museum’s Sentimental Journey. Some of you may remember the post titled What makes a Pilot’s Pilot in which I discuss the article.

The article was published and I was surprised when Jane sent me not only the article in a Sentimental Journey  but also a signed copy of her book “THEY FLEW PROUD”.  Once I started reading it I could not put it down I finished it in one sitting and did not fall asleep once. I think if I ever became a literary critic I’d use a rating system regarding how many times a book places me a sleep.  They Flew Proud not placing me  asleep once would receive my highest rating. It’s a must read for those with an interest in aviation history. ” They Flew Proud” is not only a historical account of pre-WWII flight training but a human drama of the people involved. It’s a very emotionally moving story one that I’m sure that Jane’s father would have been proud of had he been here. The book is also a tribute to Jane’s farther a flight instructor who trained many pilot’s during his career.  I’m an avid  reader and read 4 novels a month.  I usually give them to the nursing home around the block (there are plenty of them here in south Florida) when I’m done. I will however keep this enjoyable read “They Flew Proud” in my permeant collection.

For more details here are some links    :

Ivan Klugman