This is an excerpt from:
” A Guide to Sales Success in a Challenging Economy; Six Things You Should Know About Selling Your Aircraft”
that I contributed to. The entire guide is available for download at Taylor Greenwood Photography’s website.
Introduction – What sells a Private Jet or Helicopter?
An aircraft will sell itself, if it is appropriately priced for the condition that it is in.
Get an honest Market Analysis of your aircraft. Today’s buyer is very sophisticated and not easily fooled by a low budget paint and interior refurbishment.
• Always represent your aircraft in a clear an honest fashion.
• A good photographer is worth his weight in gold, a poorly photographed aircraft will be overlooked in print and on the web.
• Have reasonable expectations and be flexible there are no longer lines waiting to buy your aircraft.
• Never hire a broker that wants to purchase your aircraft for their inventory they will see a huge profit, not you.
• Aircraft in prime condition with excellent history sell quickly at premium prices.
• Aircraft in poor condition with disorganized records sell slowly at subprime prices.
Is it cost effective to bring your aircraft up to prime condition?
In most cases YES, bringing an aircraft up to the new EASA standards will allow it to be exported easily and increase its marketability. New paint, interior and recent heavy maintenance checks at a reputable center are always good selling points.
Remember the ATC saying “Best equipped aircraft is the Best served”.
Ivan Klugman, President: Integral Aviation Solutions Inc